
We support our local foodbank and their mission to fight hunger and poverty in Vauxhall, by collecting donations from St Peter’s congregation and the local community.

Vauxhall Foodbank provides three days of nutritionally-balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis.

Find out more below.

What are we collecting?

Donations can be brought to the church during one of our Sunday services. Alternatively, email us to arrange another time to drop off your donations.


Tinned vegetarian and vegan meals, e.g. macaroni cheese, vegetable curry, vegetable chilli etc.

Tinned non-pork meals - chicken or corned beef

Sponge puddings or jellies

UHT Milk - whole or semi-skimmed

Rice pudding


Small bottles of cooking oil

Tinned vegetables e.g. sweetcorn and peas

Tinned pulses e.g. chickpeas and kidney beans

Tinned fruit

Tinned fish

Rice (either 500g or 1kg bags)



Non-Food Items

Toilet Rolls

Washing up liquid

Soap (bars or liquid)

Laundry pods


Nappies (sizes 5 or 6)